Aileen and Rachel attended the DPEA Stakeholders’ Forum yesterday on behalf of SAS. There is a lot to write up and it will take some time but at the moment we thought we would share this wind farm map with you which Dr Chris Ford has been working on. What is clearly visible is the concentration in Scotland and the absence of proposals in England. Blue is operational, red is refused/withdrawn, green/yellow is the pipeline of application through to under construction. Symbol size represents the relative WF size.
The data was taken from the Renewable Energy Planning Database which is meant to show everything over 150kw. Unfortunately it doesn’t as we have discovered and there are many omissions which we are seeking to have rectified. However this is a good overall view to start with. The Scottish Government has also produced a rather clunky map which doesn’t reflect the overall situation and it is also based on the Renewable Energy Planning Database. They have been informed that their data is out of date and contains inaccurate information.  It can be accessed at…/renewable-energy-map-of…/

SAS Volunteer

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