Misleading poll
Well done to George Herraghty (Letters, 24 September) for highlighting the ludicrous new poll conducted on behalf of developer Fred. Olsen Renewables and presented at the Labour Party Conference, showing overwhelming backing for onshore wind farms.
The public, in general, do not have much confidence in polls as they understand that meaningful unbiased results are dependent on how respondents are selected for the survey and what questions are asked.
Support for wind farms generally comes from people living in cities and towns where their only knowledge of them is based on a distant view as they drive down a motorway. They may enjoy a trip around Whitelee wind farm but they know they can go home when they choose and leave the noise and flicker behind them.
Some rural communities may also support wind farms when they are situated so far away from the site that they receive no impact but are still within the boundary to receive a financial benefit.
It is the opinion of communities and individuals hosting and suffering effects of industrialisation by these wind farms on their environment which should be sought to determine whether there really is support for further expansion of onshore wind.
It is easy to say you support something which you know is never going to affect you.
Aileen Jackson, Scotland Against Spin, Uplawmoor, East Renfrewshire

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