Andrew Marr is joined by key political personalities and cultural figures to discuss topical politics, current affairs and the arts. Guests include energy secretary Ed Davey MP, shadow education secretary Tristram Hunt MP, director of public prosecutions Keir Starmer, and education activist Malala Yousafzai.

Sir Tim Rice was on the show and in spite of it being a BBC programme managed to get
in his objection to wind farms !

Start at 17.50 minutes into programme :

Tim Rice : I’m just pointing out how this green revolution is adding a fortune to everybody’s energy bills
I’m lucky enough to have a place up in Scotland and I have been offered serious money – about a £million quid or more – if I stick up a few of these hideous green wind farms.

Andrew Marr or David Mellor: And you said no, I hope !

Tim Rice : I said no. I don’t see why rich twits like me should be paid to put up everybody else’s bills –
especially for something that doesn’t actually work .”

More on Tim Rice :

“It’s a scam – a con – and until the government has the brains to actually say, hang on,
we’ve got it wrong, this is a total economic and environmental error, then I find it hard
to give total support to them.”

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