Last week you reported the consent of Dersalloch windfarm, quietly
announced on the same day the Commonwealth Games opened, by Fergus Ewing
minister for Energy and Tourism. Also you reported the delight of some
members of community councils in North Carrick at a partnership with local
estates and a developer at the prospect of a community wind farm at
Knowside Hill. The previous week you reported how Girvan was to benefit
from the revenue from Tralorg wind farm through a deal struck between PNE
Wind UK and community councils. What is not reported are the stressful
effects these windfarms will bring to the communities living closest to them.

Continuing to deny peer reviewed evidence, emerging on a daily basis, that
windturbines do damage the health of those forced to live in close
proximity (because their homes become unsellable) is untenable. We have
examples of those suffering locally similar, if not identical to the
unfortunate family in Donegal, whose house is now vibrating due to
proximity of wind turbines. Results are judged likely to be catastrophic
for these families and others over the long term with vibro acoustic
disease likely as well as the other sleep disturbance and wind turbine
syndrome symptoms. Health professionals and acousticians currently unsure
or even unaware of the existence of vibro-acoustic disease and its
permanent effects, need to understand this. So too do government
authorities imposing a policy where the checks and balances have not been

Our farming communities are being targeted as never before without being
made aware of any dis-benefits or reports. Animal studies & reports now
exist showing alarming effects. Schools are welcoming developers to speak
about the advantages of the technology. The Scottish and UK government and
the wind industry has not conducted the crucial independent human impact
research which shows that these turbines are not responsible for the sleep
disturbance and health problems being experienced here and all around the
world, yet they persist in dismissing peer reviewed professional
reports. Just last week the German authorities announced that it is now
clear that there is a very real issue with low frequency sound and
recognise that they both need to update their regulations and complete more
research. In respect of wind power, information is now available to show
why and how the precautionary principle is missing, and the subsequent
risks involved. Those living close to Arecleoch and Mark Hill may have
noticed an improvement in their health whilst these turbines are switched
off during the summer months to allow upgrades to transmission infrastructure.
More information on health impacts can be found at
<> .

Susan Crosthwaite
Cosses Country House

SAS Volunteer

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