The once-beautiful East Ayrshire countryside now resembles the scarred and
battered battlegrounds from one of World War One’s most brutal battles.

That was a statement from Doon Valley Councillor John Bell, who claimed
shocking satellite pictures of the area reminded him of images from the
Battle of the Somme.

He was speaking out as East Ayrshire Council rejected the latest wind farm
plans for Dalmellington – with the Scottish Government set to make the
final decision.

And referring to the mess left behind by the opencasts, he said: “This is
just a general comment. But when you look at that and the satellite picture
of East Ayrshire it looked like the Somme – villages separated by
battlefields, in this case the opencasts

“Were back in the same situation here. It will be the cumulative impact of
so many wind farms and that’s why we need to keep objecting.”

His view was shared across the board as they met to discuss the proposed 19
wind turbines at Glenmount, Near Dalmellington.

The development was lodged by RWE npower renewables last year and has gone
through a lengthy consultation process – with it being overwhelmingly opposed.

At Friday’s meeting, Cllr John McDowall said he feels East Ayrshire need to
be STRONGER with their opposition.

He said: “I’ve been looking at our report and our opposition. For me that
is not strong enough wording. For me it would be a disaster if these
turbines were allowed so close to the River Doon. I would ask the council
to have a much stronger wording on their objection. We can’t allow this to

Local councillor Moira Pirrie added: “Everyone is aware of my feelings.
There are far too many objections. I don’t know why were back here even
discussing it as there can only ever be one decision on this. We have to

As well as the issues with the amenity, the volume of new traffic – 3000
vehicle movements are needed to move stone to the site – the cumulative
impact of another wind farm, Cllr Bell also pointed out the danger to ospreys.

He said: “The vibration of the blasts is a concern for me. It will disturb
the wildlife. When we were on the site visit we were very fortunate to see
the ospreys. This blasting will disturb the birds. There is also black
grouse. If this gets permission I would like the condition that there would
be no blasting during the breeding season.

“A precedent for this has been set by Western isles Council and they
stopped blasting in the summer months – if this has to go ahead I would
like something similar here.”

The Scottish Government will have the final say on the 19-turbine farm.

Ministers ignored EAC’s objection to Scottish Power’s Dersalloch
development when they granted them permission to build 23 turbines at the site.

The proposal for South Kyle – where 50 wind turbines are planned – remains
outstanding and a decision is likely to be made later this year.

SAS Volunteer

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