Hundreds of residents in Helensburgh and Lomond viewed plans for a
community wind farm last weekend.

Developers say more than 300 people visited The Tower on Friday and
Saturday, August 15 and 16, to see details of the planning application for
five wind turbines on the land at Tom na Airdh hill, 2km north of Helensburgh.

Ian Fraser, of Helensburgh Renewables – the offshoot of Helensburgh
Community Development Trust which is behind the plans for the community
wind farm – hosted the exhibition.

He told the Advertiser said: “We were complemented many times on the
quality of our exhibition the information on display and the excellent

“People who did not want the turbines commented that we had not tried to
hide anything from the townsfolk – they were as you would see them when built.”

Gavin Catto, director of Green Cat Renewables, added they had a lot of
‘genuine interest’ in the plans. He said: “Almost everyone I spoke to
seemed to already know quite a lot about the project and what we are trying
to achieve.

“The majority supported the project, and it was also good to have the
opportunity to answer the questions of those who had concerns or did not
like wind energy in principal.”

Community group TEG-H, which formed to assess the wind farm proposal, has
criticised the proposals in terms of planning and finance.

A spokesman said: “There are some sensible precautions being proposed, such
as cables under the ground, but TEG-H and its advisers have also identified
serious concerns.

“These include the height of the turbines, their visual impact and claims
about money for the town which are not adequately explained.

“The proposed wind farm has serious long-term social, environmental, and
economic implications for Helensburgh and beyond, some potentially harmful.
TEG-H will reach an overall conclusion on these and make it public.”

A survey by the developers, which asks for respondents to simply state
whether they are in favour of the wind farm, is being delivered to 7,767
homes across Helensburgh, Rhu and Shandon by Royal Mail. The submissions
deadline is on Monday, August 25.

Mr Fraser added: “It is essential that we understand the level of public
support for this project, and for voices from across our community to be
heard in this important decision for Helensburgh.”

In addition to the developers’ survey, the Rhu and Shandon Community
Council have agreed to conduct an independent poll of their community
before responding to the planning application.

The elected members revealed the decision following a recent meeting with
members confirmed the site chosen for the 86 meter high turbines is within
Rhu and Shandon.

Further details will be posted on the Rhu and Shandon Community Council
website as they become available

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