By Press Association

The number of public objections to large-scale wind farms has more than
doubled in the last year, according to figures from the Scottish Conservatives.

A parliamentary question from Murdo Fraser found that there have been 5,942
complaints about developments of 50 megawatts (MW) and over this year,
compared to 2,951 complaints last year.

Of these complaints, 370 related to applications that were subsequently

The Scottish Government and environmental bodies consult on plans for wind
turbines that will generate 50MW or more.

The figures also show that 1,120 instances of public support have been
recorded for large turbine developments this year, compared to 2,156 in 2013.

The Tories said the numbers show the “sheer strength of feeling among the

Mr Fraser, the party’s energy spokesman, said: “The fact these objections
have doubled in the last year shows the sheer strength of feeling among the

“This isn’t people complaining about a single turbine in someone’s back garden.

“These are major developments that go straight to the Scottish Government
because they are deemed too big for councils to consider.

“It’s clear from the rise that the SNP is continuing to invite major
applications which may fit the Scottish Government’s own policy, but are
completely unacceptable to the people who have to live beside them.

“Considering this steep increase, this is a chance for the new First
Minister to rein in her predecessor’s obsession with wind turbines, and
start listening to the views of rural Scotland.”

SAS Volunteer

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