Renewables not so green
BARRY Lees (Letters, April 19) suggests that those opposed to renewable
energy should be sure of their facts when talking about birds killed by
windmills. He then concludes that those who complain should give up
windows, domestic electricity, and motor vehicles – since they also
contribute to bird fatalities.
As a supporter of renewable energy, it follows that he should give up
owning a petrol or diesel car, and switch off his electricity when the wind
does not blow in Scotland, since his electricity will come from gas or
coal, and not-so-green biomass imported from England.
He should also ensure that his clothing does not contain plastic – a
by-product of fossil fuels.
I trust that his travel and holiday arrangements are by public transport,
and not by air.
Malcolm Parkin,
15 Gamekeepers Road, Kinnesswood, Kinross.