The Scot-Govt has approved a planning application to build a new wind-power
electricity generation station in Ayrshire.
The government said that the development is in line with its Scottish
national planning guidelines to encourage renewable energy investments.
In a first-round application to the local planning board at East Ayrshire
Council, Durham-based developer Banks Renewables agreed to chop four
turbines from its 74.8-MW development at Lethans wind farm.
There were also a number of objections to the Banks Renewables plan.
RSPB Scotland objected on the grounds of the adverse impacts it will have
on the Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands Special Protection Area and the
additional, cumulative developmental pressure this will place on the area.
And New Cumnock Community Council said that visual impact of the turbines
will be unacceptable.