A Swedish state-owned energy group is offering British business consumers
the opportunity to purchase renewable electricity from its South Kyle Wind
Farm in Ayrshire.
In what is believes is an industry first, Vattenfall hopes to win new
orders from companies for its ‘green’ Scottish energy by offering business
consumers the opportunity to purchase electricity from as little as 1 MW.
South Kyle Wind Farm has a grid connection for 165 MW and will have
estimated generation output of 500 GWh per year.
Electricity from South Kyle Wind Farm is being offered at index linked
fixed prices for periods of up to 20 years in multiples of 1 MW
(approximately 3 GWh per annum).
Such long-term power contracts can provide price certainty by enabling
businesses to plan their energy costs. Renewable electricity from South
Kyle Wind Farm can also help businesses reduce carbon footprints in their
operations and their supply chains.
A Scottish spokesman for the Swedish utility said: “More businesses are
starting to recognise the importance of taking a longer term approach to
tackling climate change in both their operations and through their supply
chains. Corporate power-contracts can be part of the solution to fix all or
part of their energy prices.”