Anyone with an interest in Noise should read this if they have the time. It came to our attention three years ago when one of the complainants contacted SAS for help, although the whole sorry tale started in 2011. The officer’s report is very comprehensive but the most important point is:
(a) The turbine shall not be recommissioned (turned back on) until a detailed
protocol for the implementation of the turbine shutdown (to comply with the noise
limits contained in Condition 14) has been submitted to and approved in writing by
the Planning Authority. The ‘shutdown protocol’ shall include (but shall not
necessarily be limited to) details of:
(i) how wind speeds and direction shall be measured at the turbine;
(ii) how the resulting measurement data shall be processed and utilised to control
the turbine shutdown under the wind conditions highlighted in table 1b of
Condition 14, to achieve the limits set out in Condition 14, and
(iii) the reporting mechanism to evidence to the Planning Authority that the
shutdown protocol is being implemented, including the provision of SCADA
(turbine control) data.
(b) The shutdown protocol approved under part (a) shall be implemented for the
lifetime of the development, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Planning
To ensure the necessary control of the turbine is achievable to meet the
noise limits.,%20Auchencloigh,%20Galston%20-%20Constantine%20Wind%20Energy.pdf