The next meeting of the DPEA Stakeholders’ Forum will be held on 28 April. On the Agenda will be
• Update on working during the pandemic
• Publication of appeals guidance
• Annual review stats
• Update on planning reform
As you know, the publication of the Appeals Guide which was campaigned for by SAS (Rachel Connor) has now been published…/planning-and-environmental…/
We are awaiting news on our suggestion to update Circular 6/1990 to deal with the behaviour of parties at Hearings and Inquiries which includes what we believe to be personal and vicious attacks on members of the public during cross examination.
Aileen has raised a number of issues which are waiting to be addressed:
• Broadband difficulties encountered by rural communities (which have been exacerbated by Covid).
• A request for the provision of a Public Advocate to represent third parties at Hearings/Inquiries
• The issue free CDs containing EIAs (as large documents are impossible to download in areas with broadband difficulties).
If anyone has any further issues which you would like us to raise at the next meeting, please let us know asap.

SAS Volunteer

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