When wind blows
Martin Foreman, (Letters, March 13) suggests that communities objecting to wind farm applications should commit to generating their own sustainable sources of power, writing: “To say that we want clean energy but only if other communities are affected is the height of nimbyism and hypocrisy.”Why place this reponsibility on rural communites when it is people in the cities who use the majority of the power?
Sitting safely in Edinburgh, Mr Foreman, it seems to me, should be extremely grateful to all those across the country who have seen their homes blighted with no compensation.
Mr Foreman dislikes the appearance of turbines. Imagine what it is like seeing your beloved view scarred with turbines every day of your life, all day, every day. No wonder there are objections. People not only object for themselves but because a beautiful view is valued by visitors from home and abroad. We don’t own a view. No doubt Edinburgh folk will have been grateful for their visits to the Pentland HIlls during the Covid pandemic, never seeing an industrial view, a situation entirely due to the 2,000 men and woman who objected to Auchecorth wind farm.Already the rural areas of Scotland have provided enough power twice over for Scotland, when the wind blows. What is now planned is for export, when the wind blows. This is not about clean energy, it is about profit. That should be the discussion; whether we want to become the Saudi Arabia of renewables and completely destroy this beautiful country, harming even more rural communities in the process.
Celia Hobbs, Peebles Road, Penicuik

SAS Volunteer

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