In the space of one single day, (8 December) our wind farm addicted Scottish Ministers consented 4 wind farms with a total of 87 giant wind turbines in Moray, East and South Ayrshire and Dumfries and Galloway. Obviously little consideration was given to the further destruction of cherished landscapes, wildlife habitats or the health, homes or livelihoods of countless people affected by the operation of these useless machines which will be in situ for the next 30 years or longer.
So while our Ministers are enjoying their Xmas dinner, doing their bit for climate change by cutting down on Brussel Sprout consumption in order to reduce methane emissions, I hope they can spare a thought for the people who have been forced to bear the brunt of their wind farm obsession; the direct neighbours (not the communities who live far enough away to suffer no ill effects but are lucky enough to still receive community benefit payments) but the ones who have to tolerate rotating turbine blades from every direction; flicker, both during the day as well as at night from aviation lights, anxiety inducing noise and depreciation in property prices. At least they still have homes though, unlike the wildlife which have been driven out of their territories.
These are the downsides of wind farms which our decision makers and the majority of people living in towns, cities and villages unaffected by them choose to ignore because it doesn’t bother them and after all, wind farms are good, clean and green, aren’t they? Maybe in their dreams!
Aileen Jackson

SAS Volunteer

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