Scotsman letters

  Turbine terror With the recent prolonged drought, The Scotsman article “Tinderbox Scotland” highlights the risk of Muirburn and raging wildfires on peat-covered moorland (29 April). What politicians, planners and local councillors seem to be blissfully unaware of is that wind turbines pose a significant, deadly, and growing threat to Read more…

Time to go back to coal – Herald letters

ANDREW McKie’s suggestion of a simple way for government to tackle the cost-of-living crisis (“There is one simple way for government to tackle this awful cost-of-living crisis”, The Herald, April 26) prompts me to suggest a simple way of vastly reducing energy cost and somewhat reducing global warming both indirectly Read more…

‘I find it absolutely terrifying’: Brora residents voice fears over safety of planned hydrogen production hub at Gordonbush Wind Farm – The Northern Times

SSE Renewables Plan for an experimental hydrogen production hub at an East Sutherland wind farm has been slammed as “horrifying” by a local resident.

Appeal against Highland Council refusal of planning permission for wind farm near Dunbeath in Caithness by Energiekontor rejected by Scottish Government reporter – JohnOGroat Journal

London-based Energiekontor wanted to build six turbines with a tip height of 149.9 metres near Dunbeath, but its application – which attracted almost 200 objections – was rejected by Highland Council last June. Objectors raised concerns about the impact on cultural heritage assets and archaeology, residential amenity, road users, tourists Read more…

Costly revolution – Scotsman letters

  Ian Moir is correct in highlighting the horrendous costs of Net Zero and The Green Revolution for the man and woman in the street (Letters, 26 April). Politicians earning – sorry make that “getting” – huge salaries, gold-plated pensions and expenses all paid for by taxpayers have no idea Read more…