London-based Energiekontor wanted to build six turbines with a tip height of 149.9 metres near Dunbeath, but its application – which attracted almost 200 objections – was rejected by Highland Council last June.

Objectors raised concerns about the impact on cultural heritage assets and archaeology, residential amenity, road users, tourists and recreational users, and natural heritage.

There were also concerns amongst almost 200 objections about the landscape and visual impact, scale of development, and the lack of significant economic benefits.

Sue Bell was appointed by Scottish ministers to review Energiekontor’s appeal and found the evidence supported the decision to refuse the application.

She said: “The turbines would introduce new vertical structures within the Sweeping Moorland and Flows LCT (Landscape Character Types), which has a strong horizontal theme.

“When viewed from the south and east close to the site the turbines would be experienced as tall vertical structures in the open and gently sloping landform.

“I find that this would alter the perception of the scale of the Lone Mountains LCT, particularly in terms of an appreciation of the mountains rising steeply from the surrounding land to form conspicuous landmarks.”

She also highlighted concerns raised by national conservation body NatureScot, detailing how it was concerned the proposals would “compromise the focal prominence and distinctiveness of the Lone Mountains which are otherwise emphasised by the current simplicity and openness of the surrounding moorland”.

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