Argyll and Bute Council has added its voice to those objecting to a wind farm application on forested hills between Tarbert and Skipness.
Scottish Power Renewables Ltd has submitted an application for a 78-megawatt Earraghail Renewable Energy Development of 13 wind turbines, up to 180 metres high, to the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit (ECU).
Any application for an onshore power generating station with a capacity of over 50MW requires the consent of Scottish ministers and the local authority can only object or approve as a consultee.
At a meeting of the Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee on April 19, councillors added their voices to the objections of Tarbert and Skipness Community Council, East Kintyre and West Kintyre Community Councils and Arran Community Council.
All are principally concerned with the visual impact that the wind turbines would have on the landscape of the area and its surrounds.
The council maintains that while there are a number of wind farms in the upland areas of the Kintyre peninsula, and that the landscape can usually cope with the impact of the turbines, in this case “one of the more sensitive features of this [landscape] is the rugged and minimally modified coastline between Skipness and Tarbert”.

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