Wind farms waste
Neil Bryce is right to mention how wind farm community grants are squandered on various unnecessary projects (Letters, May 6). The money allocated would be best divided up as grants towards the cost of electricity for householders in the affected areas.
Here in upper Lauderdale a proposed wind farm on Ditcher Law towering 200m over the surrounding countryside is likely to join the others in Toddleburn and Dun Law, much to the disfigurement of the land, and making house sales of properties near them problematical. That is of no consequence to most people, including decision-makers who live in cities, but it does matter to country folk.
In the medium term, wind farms are likely to be superseded by new technology – let’s face it, wind power is a medieval one.
How on earth will the millions of tons of concrete for the foundations of the towers be removed? A single tower will have something like 2,500 tons of concrete poured into the ground to support it. Will that be left for posterity?
William Loneskie, Lauder

SAS Volunteer

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