Wind farms obsession killing world’s wildlife

The events of the Coronation weekend fair cheered me up and brought some welcome relief from the pressures of everyday life. From Major Apollo the delinquent drum horse who obviously had his own agenda, to the antics of larger than life Prince Louis, it was a joy to watch.
My only sad moment came with the drone display during the Coronation concert showing various endangered species, the most poignant of which was the whale. Accompanied by that wonderful song, “Don’t you forget about me” it squeezed my heart as it rose into the night sky, a reminder to us all that nature is in crisis.
Yet, the very next day we hear that 36 whales have been washed up on the east coast of the US since the beginning of December. Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Greenpeace, believes it is due to the drilling of foundations for offshore wind farms, interfering with their hearing and so ability to navigate, which is likely to be creating a “death zone” for whales.
At the same time a whale washed up on a beach in East Lothian for the second time in less than a month. How many more will die when the rest of the proposed wind farms in the North Sea and elsewhere are under construction or operational?
We are killing our wildlife, both on land and in the sea, due to our obsession with wind farms and our misguided belief that they will save the planet.
Aileen Jackson, Uplawmoor, East Renfrewshire

SAS Volunteer

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