SAS team member, Stephen Lucking, has been doing some more number crunching for us.  His thoughts and latest data on applications within Dumfries and Galloway are detailed below.



I’ve been circulating regular updates to windfarm warriors in Scottish Borders Council area about developments there and have decided to do the same for Dumfries and Galloway Council. I’ve mentioned only those where a formal scoping request has been made or an application lodged but there are so many I may have missed some.


I include my thoughts on some general issues as I believe it’s better to tell folks the same thing twice than not at all. At least some who read this may be relatively inexperienced in fighting windfarms and those who have been involved for even longer than me can just skip some of this document.


  2. There are 2 different processes for windfarms dependent entirely on their theoretical capacity with those promising over 50MW classed as S36 schemes. For S36 schemes the council can decide only whether to lodge an objection. If they do there will be a PLI but if they don’t the scheme will be waved through by SG. Time limits given for council’s responses are always ignored.


  1. For smaller schemes the “final” decision is made by DGC Planning Committee (comprising elected councillors) who are presented with a report from the Case Officer (who has qualifications in Planning) recommending either approval or refusal. The Case Officer will rely heavily on input from the Landscape Architect (LA). There have sadly been schemes where Case Officers have ignored recommendations by the LA to refuse a scheme (or to lodge an objection).


  1. The decision on whether to object to a S36 scheme is also made by the PC with the report recommending either that no objection should be lodged or setting out the grounds for lodging an objection.


  1. On smaller schemes representations are made to DGC and will appear on their file but on S36 schemes they only go to the ECU which takes ages to publish them.


    1. DGC Planning is under huge pressure partly from the number of schemes but equally (if not more so) from their own failings. The result is delays and insufficient time for the LA to give proper (and timeous) consideration to schemes.


  1. 2. DGC insists that their LA deals with schemes strictly in the order in which they appear. This only helps developers. Responding to a Scoping Request (particularly on S36 schemes) before considering an active scheme where the decision lies with DGC is absurd.


  1. Several smaller schemes have been appealed for non-determination but this can’t happen on S36 schemes. DGC have obtained extensions for their responses on their S36 schemes (see list below). I’ve asked DGC how they think they can meet the new dates and await their response.

1. This affects all schemes within a 50km radius of the Eskdalemuir Seismic Station. The total space available is called the ENB and once the ceiling was reached in 2012 the MOD lodged objections on every new scheme in the zone so none could go ahead. Even after changes to calculations were made in 2014 freeing up more space in the ENB there was still a complete ban on schemes within 10KM.

  1. The ENB re-emerged as an issue when Faw Side completely filled the revised ENB. All attempts to increase capacity in the affected area encountered difficulties even when the increase would only be tiny.
  2. ENB is currently being reassessed by the Eskdalemuir Working Group (EWG). There have also been exchanges in the Faw Side PLI as well as the appeals at Little Hartfell and Callisterhall. I expect some changes reasonably soon though I’ve no idea when. I think the complete ban on turbines within 10km will remain. That will scupper Scoop Hill.
    I have set out below the schemes under various categories. I’ve included references from the ECU and DGC websites. The numbers in brackets after the reference number show the number of documents on each file. I’ve found this quite a good way of tracking how developments are progressing.

S36 SCHEMES (12)

SCOOP HILL             20/1975/S36 (288): ECU0533 (712)

EUCHANHEAD        20/1942/S36 (161): ECU2141 (245)

HOPSRIG                  21/2443/S36 (19): ECU2160 (257)

LOGANHEAD           21/2444/S36 (14): ECU2161 (255)
21/0135/S36 (59):ECU2185 (262)
23/0056/S36 (5):ECU3324 (184)
BLOCH/SOLWAYBANK EXTN      22/2291/S36 (179):ECU3463 (209)
QUANTANS HILL    23/0322/S36 (8):ECU3399 (245)

RIVOX                        23/1533/S36 (158): ECU3293 (182)

SANDY KNOWE EXTN       22/1574/S36 (7):ECU3274 (234)
MID MOILE              22/0394/S36 (12): ECU3405 232)

LORG 2                      23/0205 (73): ECU3283 (167)



MANQUHILL            23/0692 (142)

KNOCKMAN HILL   22/0221/S42 (30)

LITTLE HARTFELL    22/1431/S42 (14)

MINSCA                    22/2401/S42 (23)

DIVOT HILL              23/0368 (132)

AIRIES II                    21/0645/SCO (17)


DPEA (7)

SANQUHAR II          WIN-170-2006 (1141)

FAW SIDE                 WIN-170-2007 (1395)

CALLISTERHALL      PPA-170-2168 (255):22/0930 (86)

GARCROGO 2          PPA-170-2152 (206):22/1754 (445)

LITTLE HARTFELL-2 PPA-170-2175 (77): 20/1844 (53)

CORNHARROW 3.1PPA-170-2176(49):22/2487/S42 (53)

CORNHARROW 3.2PPA-170-2177(54):22/2486/S42 (81)


CLOUD HILL             ECU 3461 (17)
APPIN                        ECU 3447 (18)
COLLIESTON             22/1089/SCO (18)
WESTERKIRK           ECU 2004 (8)
BLAIR HILL               ECU 4878 (22)
GLENVERNOCH      ECU 4892 (6)

    The majority of applications currently with DGC are S36 ones. I list them below with my comments on where matters stand.


1.1. SCOOP HILL (20/1975/S36: ECU0533).  
Responses to this huge scheme near Moffat were very critical. CWL has reduced turbine numbers from 75 to 60 and a lot of new material (AI) has been uploaded to the ECU file recently triggering another advertisement and a further consultation period. It’s the closest windfarm scheme to Eskdalemuir but CWL has always ignored the problems with the ENB. The ECU requested a response by 8th September. That’s totally unrealistic and will be ignored.


1.2. EUCHANHEAD (20/1942/S36: ECU2141)
The interim response from the LA dated 29th March should mean that unless significant changes are made DGC will lodge an objection as they did on Sanquhar II. It’s very close to Sanquhar II (see below). DGC have until 290923 to respond.

1.3. HOPSRIG (21/2443: ECU00002160).
Muirhall obtained consent for 12 turbines (up to 140 metres) in 2019 but lodged an application for 13 turbines up to 200 metres in November 2021. Interim responses from the LA (November 2022 and May 2023) state that major changes are needed to avoid an objection on LVIA grounds. The consented scheme had no issues with the ENB but this one will. DGC have until 301123 to decide whether to object.


1.4. LOGANHEAD (21/2444: ECU 00002161)
In 2019 Muirhall obtained consent for 8 turbines up to 135 metres but applied for r 9 turbines up to 200 metres in November 2021. An interim response from the LA (December 2022) recommends refusal. The consented scheme had no issues with the ENB but this one will. DGC have until 301123 to decide whether to object.

1.5. HARESTANES SOUTH EXTENSION (21/0135/S36: ECU00002185)
This proposes 8 turbines of 200 metres. Harestanes was consented in 2007 but an extension was refused in 2015. The LA recommended an objection on LVIA grounds in her interim response (October 2022). It’s also blocked by the ENB. DGC have until 290923 to decide whether to object.


1.6. WINDY STANDARD 1 REPOWER (23/0056/S36: ECU 3324)
There are far fewer turbines (8) than in the existing scheme but they’re much  higher (200m).There has been no response from the LA yet. There’s no clue when this might reach the PC.


1.7. BLOCH/SOLWAYBANK EXTN (22/2291/S36: ECU 3463)
The site adjoins the existing operational scheme (15 x 126.5 metre turbines) but is for 21 turbines up to 230 metres. There has been no response from the LA as yet even though DGC only have until 140923 to decide whether to object.


1.8. QUANTANS HILL (23/0322/S36: ECU 3399 (244)
The LA has provided a very critical response suggesting a huge number of changes to the 14 x 200 metre turbine scheme. That should result in a recommendation to object but DGC have a history of ignoring concerns from their LA. Date for response is currently 230923.


1.9. RIVOX (23/1533/S36: ECU 3293(182)
The scoping exercise began in 2021 but the application has only been lodged quite recently with 29 turbines between 200 and 230 metres. Mountaineering Scotland have objected. DGC response is due by 221123 but that won’t happen.


1.10. SANDY KNOWE EXTN        22/1574 (70): ECU 3274 (234)
This scheme has significant local support and I’d expect it to be waved through. DGC have until 301123 to respond.


1.11. LORG 2                       23/0205(7): ECU 3283 (172)
The scheme is for 12 x 200 metre turbines. There has been no response from the LA yet. Unusually the RSPB have expressed serious concerns. The date for a response is 311023


1.12. MID MOILE               22/0394/S36 (12): ECU 3405 (236)

Some AI has appeared quite recently. This should have been advertised and has triggered another round of consultation. DGC had an extension until 310823 but that will be missed.

2.1. MANQUHILL (23/0692)
This scheme relies on the fact that the area is already full of windfarms to justify infilling. It’s adjacent to Wether Hill and Cornharrow with 8 x 200 metre turbines. Plenty of objections have been lodged but it will probably be appealed for non-determination quite soon. The DGC website lists the case officer as John Hiscox. He used to work for SBC but resigned to train as a teacher.

2.2 KNOCKMAN HILL        22/0221/S42

Time extension approved and will be consented after a Section 75 Agreement.


2.3. LITTLE HARTFELL       22/1431/S42

Application for operational time extension which may be superfluous if the appeal

on Little Hartfell 2 succeeds.

2.4. MINSCA                        22/2401/S42

Time extension recommended for approval at the PAC meeting on 31st August.


2.5. DIVOT HILL                  23/0368

This should really be called Margree 2 as it covers the remainder of the area which

was in the scoping request for Margree but not in the actual application. Another

candidate for a non determination appeal,


2.6 AIRIES II (21/0645/SCO)
There is a RTC recommending approval of a time extension to existing scheme but there’s no indication that this has happened.



Two schemes have gone to a PLI (where the decision will eventually be announced by the Scottish Government) with the others being appeals where the decision will be made by a Reporter.

1.1. SANQUHAR II (19/0490/S36: WIN-170-2006)
The PLI process has finished and a report sent to SG several months ago. SG will announce their decision and though nobody knows when that will happen the very recent decision on Shepherds Rig suggests it will be quite soon.
1.2. FAW SIDE (WIN-170-2007)
The Reporter submitted her report (which will include her decision on the ENB) to SG on 3rd August.


2.1. GARCOGO 3 (PPA-1702172)
A non determination appeal for a 7 turbine scheme up to 180 metres. A 9 turbine scheme was refused on appeal. The Reporter Elspeth Gray was excellent on Barrel Law 2 but less so on Clashindarroch II.


2.2. CALLISTERHALL (PPA1702168:22/0930)
This began as a S36 scheme which never progressed beyond scoping. The 7 x 200 metre scheme has been appealed for non-determination. Some issues with the ENB are unresolved so the appeal is on hold.


2.3. LITTLE HARTFELL-2 (PPA-170-2175:20/1844)
EK obtained consent for 12 turbines up to 160 metres in June 2020. It was initially blocked by the ENB but after a court decision on priority that issue was resolved.  The new proposal is for 9 turbines up to 190 metres. DGC refused it because of unresolved issues with the ENB. EK accuse them of being inconsistent.


2.4. CORNHARROW 3.1   NEW S42                               22/2486/S42 (81): 22/2487 (53)

2.5. CORNHARROW 3.2   NEW S42                               22/2486/S42 (81): 22/2487 (53)

There are two applications for variations to the existing consent so two appeals. No

documents have appeared on the DPEA files yet.


    This 13 x 220 metre scheme is close to other consented or proposed schemes near the village of Ae. No DGC file.


  1. CLOUD HILL (ECU3461)
    A Scoping Opinion appeared in June 2022 for 14 x 180 metre turbines. The SUW runs through the site. The latest iteration has 11 turbines and an application is expected soon. There is no DGC file.


  1. APPIN (ECU3447)
    A Scoping Opinion appeared in June 2022 for 23 x 250 metre turbines from Statkraft. In the latest iteration there are 17. There is no DGC file.
  2. COLLIESTON (22/1089)
    Scoping request for 8 x 230 metre turbines from EK was lodged in June 2022. DGC opened a file but it seems no scoping response has been delivered.


  1. WESTERKIRK (ECU 2004)
    A scoping opinion was delivered in 2021 for this scheme which would have had a boundary with Faw Side. There is no DGC file.
  2. BLAIR HILL (ECU 4878)
    22 x 250 metre turbines just over 2km north of Newton Stewart. Request lodged recently so there is no DGC file yet.
    Another EK scheme – this time for 18 x 200 metre turbines south of Glentrool. Request lodged recently so there is no DGC file yet.

This is another new arrival. It proposes 9 x 180 metre turbines as well as solar panels. The location is 7km NE of Gatehouse of Fleet in an area with no schemes nearby.



(310823                     MID MOILE                                                  3405)

080923                      SCOOP HILL                                                  533


140923                      BLOCH                                                           3463


230923                      QUANTANS HILL                                         3399


290923                      HARESTANES SOUTH EXTN                     2185

EUCHANHEAD                                             2041


311023                      LORG 2                                                          3283


231123                      RIVOX                                                            3293


301123                      HOPSRIG                                                       2160
LOGANHEAD                                                2161

SANDY KNOWE EXTN                                3274


TBA                             WINDY STANDARD 1 REPOWER



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