Following the Round table meeting for Communities at the Scottish Parliament in June organised by Alexander Burnett MSP, SAS followed up with letters to all the MSPs who attended the Round table and also those who took part in the debate which followed.
We have received a response (below) from Katy Clark who is a Labour West Scotland Regional List Member. The West Scotland Region covers North Ayrshire, Inverclyde, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, West Dunbartonshire, East Dunbartonshire, and parts of Argyll and Bute. Her letter to the Energy Minister is attached.
Thank you for your email concerning the recent debate on wind farms and rural communities in the Scottish Parliament which I found very interesting as a supporter of third party rights of appeal, a stronger voice for communities in the planning application process and action to address issues around low frequency noise (LFN) and vibration.
I have recently written to the Minister for Energy and the Environment regarding guidance on LFN and wind turbines. I have asked the Minister to provide an update on the UK-wide review into ETSU-R-97 regulations and associated guidance. I have also urged the Scottish Government to provide updated guidance to councils on LFN given that the last guidance on the issue was published in 2005, and new evidence has emerged showing the detrimental impact that LFN can have on an individual’s health and wellbeing. I attach a copy of my correspondence for your information and I would be happy to provide an update once I receive a response from the Minister.
Thank you again for bringing this important issue to my attention.
Best wishes,

SAS Volunteer

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