Scotsman letters

Highlands vision When Sir Keith Starmer outlined his hopes to “marvel at the continued allure of the Scottish Highlands” (Scotsman, 15 August) he was obviously unaware that the SNP plans to increase the wind farm capacity in Scotland to around 60GW which, with the requisite plethora of super-sized pylons, will Read more…

Scotsman letters

Unfair tax I agree with Ian Steele (Letters, 15 August). The Scottish Government consultation about a proposed, eye watering increase in council tax for bands E-H is nothing more than the usual tick-box exercise. Many old houses are in the higher tax bands but those properties are the ones which Read more…

Fairer Council Tax: consultation

You might be interested in responding to this consultation if you are living in a rural area and face a huge rise in Council tax (Bands E-H). We have responded as individuals using the industrialisation of the countryside and the effect it has on our residential amenity as a reason Read more…