As things stand the ‘net zero’ policies adopted by many governments, including those of the US and UK, are doomed. Professor Kelly, a Cambridge University engineer, has shown that the cost for the UK could exceed £3 trillion. A lack of key resources makes net zero by 2050 impossible at any cost.
This is because a net zero, low cost electricity supply largely based on wind and solar power is unachievable. Wind power is becoming more and more expensive and offshore wind farm projects are being abandoned as uneconomic. Operation and maintenance costs are much higher than expected. Many manufacturers are losing money and some have very serious ongoing maintenance problems.
Solar power is also in serious trouble with steadily increasing costs of raw materials driving the price up.
If electricity is expensive, net zero is much harder and more economically damaging to achieve as it requires many energy-intensive activities – transport, heating etc – to be electrified. But that is not the worst problem with renewables. Read on:…/renewable-energy-nuclear…/

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