Wind farm development situated in both Dumfries and Galloway and East Ayrshire approximately 6.5 km west of Sanquhar 4 km south of Kelloholm and 14 km northwest of Thornhill. 21 March 2019 application submitted to construct and operate 50 turbines, 48 of which having a maximum blade to tip height of up to 200 metres and 2 with a maximum blade to tip height of 149 metres. The maximum generating capacity would be up to 350MW. 43 turbines would be within Dumfries & Galloway and 7 would be within East Ayrshire. 31 July 2020 Additional Information submitted which included information relating to the removal of six wind turbines and associated infrastructure, removal of one borrow pit, the removal of one construction compound addition of a satellite substation and increasing the operational life of the windfarm from 35 to 40 years. The proposed Development would then consist of 44 wind turbines in total, 42 with a maximum tip height of 200 metres and 2 with a maximum tip height of 149 metres. 41 turbines would be within Dumfries & Galloway and 3 would be within East Ayrshire.

Ministers’ Decision
Scotland’s renewable energy and climate change targets, energy policies and planning policies
are all material considerations when weighing up this proposed Development. NPF4, the Energy
Strategy, and the OWPS make it clear that renewable energy deployment remains a priority of
the Scottish Government. This is a matter which should be afforded significant weight in favour
of the proposed Development.
However, the Scottish Ministers acknowledge that there would be significant localised landscape
and visual impacts.

SAS Volunteer

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