Cloudy crystal ball
Fifty years ago, who would have thought that in Britain today a government taken over by forces peddling a dubious climate theory that it would have rejected upon proper investigation, would now be closing the last of the coal-fired and nuclear power stations that produce electricity at half the cost of gas-fired power, and at a quarter of the cost of wind-power, and would then be encouraging and subsidising foreign companies to supply and erect even more windfarms.
Then, that government would ban petrol and diesel-fuelled vehicles; ban fracking of the largest shale gas reserves in Europe; ban extraction of North Sea oil; ban fireplaces and gas-fired central-heating boilers to inflict the compulsory installation of heat pumps; cover agricultural land with solar panels; try to reduce the eating of Scottish beef; and be teaching boys and girls to doubt their own sex.
And who could have imagined that because of those impositions on our freedom and on our landscape, electric power in Britain – once among the world’s cheapest – would now be the world’s most expensive and unreliable, and previously happy children would be confused and in need of mental help.
I mean… who could possibly have thought all that would be happening?
Malcolm Parkin, Kinnesswood, Kinross

SAS Volunteer

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