A new project tracking seabirds with AI technology has started at Vattenfall’s offshore wind farm off the coast of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Working with Norwegian AI start-up Spoor the project will trial new technology to document how seabirds interact with offshore wind turbines.
Spoor’s ground-breaking AI technology has been developed to track a bird’s 3D flight path throughout a wind farm and in the immediate vicinity of the turbine blades, providing valuable insights on bird flight patterns and behaviour, as well as potentially detecting collisions.
Being able to document avoidance behaviour accurately is vital for providing more realistic collision-risk modelling.  https://renews.biz/88125/ai-tracks-seabirds-at-scottish-vattenfall-project/?fbclid=IwAR0LBasEmx06_yogsYv6dlrm6hBBrvZXqWWR-rzTXRKI4KxAu9hw86mLOTg

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