Scotsman letters

  Mapping machines Mark Boyle (Letters, 13 September) says George Herraghty’s letter about windfarms shows he “gloats” when wind power fails. Mr Herraghty simply pointed out that wind power is an unreliable energy source. One of the best things anyone could have on their smartphone is the Ordnance Survey Maps Read more…

Scotsman letters

Wind whoppers Re: your story “Blades from Scotland’s first wind farm sent into storage” (11 September), how absurd. That the ruinously expensive decommissioning was not previously considered shows how ludicrous the whole ever-so-green, subsidy-farming scam really is. During the recent hot spell wind farms were barely able to supply the Read more…

Herald letters

So how close are we? AS rural communities and the countryside come under increasing pressure from wind farm developers who are enjoying a free-for-all destroying Scotland’s best asset, its unique landscape, can anyone actually tell us in percentage terms our current progress towards net zero? I have emailed the Government Read more…