A beautiful poem.  Thank you to George MacEachran for allowing us to post it on our website.
Turbines loom, a stark display, Scotland’s beauty, they take away, Intruding on landscapes, we cherish so, To spare Europe’s need, they have to go.
Once serene, the hillsides stood, Now disrupted, misunderstood, Turbines mar the natural grace, As Europe’s demands, we try to embrace.
Oh, how we spoil our land for power, In this pivotal, critical hour, To meet energy needs, we bend and sway, But must we let our landscapes decay?
Let’s question the choices we’ve made, For Scotland’s beauty should never fade, To preserve our heritage, pure and grand, So Europe need not our landscapes command.
In unity, we’ll seek a brighter morn, To restore what’s lost, where beauty is reborn, For Scotland’s sake, let the turbines cease, To nurture our land, and let nature find peace.

SAS Volunteer

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