Wind whoppers
Re: your story “Blades from Scotland’s first wind farm sent into storage” (11 September), how absurd. That the ruinously expensive decommissioning was not previously considered shows how ludicrous the whole ever-so-green, subsidy-farming scam really is.
During the recent hot spell wind farms were barely able to supply the National Grid with 2 per cent! How absurd also to hear the wind industry claim they will be “repowering” with “more efficient” blades. Did our mobile phones double or halve in size as they became more efficient? The farcical industry claims that larger turbines are more efficient could not be further from the truth!
Current turbine blades have been tweaked, over many years, to the Nth degree, but the inexorable laws of physics demand that all that can now be done is to make the turbines even larger, even more materials hungry, even more space consuming, even more destructive to our landscapes, even more difficult to recycle, even more damaging, even more unsightly and, with blades that travel in excess of 200mph, even more lethal to wildlife, effectively foisting giant, offshore bird-mincers onto rural communities, onshore.
Never mind “super” turbines, we are being subjected to yet another load of whoppers from the wind industry!
George Herraghty, Lhanbryde, Elgin, Moray

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