Dose of realism
The complaints of those who, with or without special interests, express anger at the PM’s policy of delaying some net zero provisions resemble criticisms of turkeys for not voting for Christmas.
No-one else in the UK, or planet Earth, can expect to benefit from our policy of net zero. We in Britain can’t afford net zero and yield only a negligible output of greenhouse gases as a proportion of the global total.
Other nations will not really be dismayed by our changed stance on combating adverse climate developments.
There is no evidence to support decarbonisation as a means of influencing climate.
The PM’s policy revisions are, therefore, realistic.
Charles Wardrop, Perth, Perth & Kinross
‘Expert’ advice
When oh when will the incumbents at Holyrood get it through their heads that the principal responsibility of this devolved government is to look after the welfare of Scotland and its people, not to go jet-setting to New York to lecture the world on global warming, and to criticise the UK Government for having the wisdom not to bankrupt our economy and our hardworking people by imposing short-term net-zero targets?
The issue of climate change and its currently understood contributing factors should surely be a responsibility of the United Nations. Those countries of the world contributing most pollution could not care less about the actions of the Scottish devolved government, nor even the UK Government.
As an illustration of the short-sightedness of the SNP towards the banning of fossil-fueled cars, I drive a 20 year-old Mini-Cooper. If I want to replace that this year by a Mini-Cooper electric model, I have to find £37,000 to do it. I’m a pensioner and life is tough enough without being forced to comply with the ideas of climate change “experts”.
It seems to me that the people dreaming up such virtue-signalling ideas in Holyrood are paid so much and are so comfortably off, that they totally disregard the economic effect of their policies on our people and communities. I heard on the BBC Today programme yet another climate-change “expert” advocating that the UK should “lead the world” on action to reduce fossil fuel emission. He seemed to ignore the practical economic consequences for ordinary working people and pensioners.
I became thoroughly disillusioned with the views of “experts” during the Covid lockdown and can do without hearing any more from such people on matters of short-term altruism on global issues, preferring to wait to see the realities of emerging technology to counter such problems as the world may experience.
Derek Farmer, Anstruther, Fife

SAS Volunteer

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