Herald letters
End this obsession
IT appears that the Greens, and therefore the SNP Government, have suddenly realised that achieving only their first target on the way to an unachievable net zero for Scotland is impractical. I have spent the last 35 years renovating an 1850s farmhouse and attached barns and at each stage all work was compliant with the then current planning and building standards. Never ever, until now, has anyone tried to enforce new regulations on existing properties retrospectively.
This has been our residence throughout and we don’t do, and don’t intend to do, “cold”. The 700mm-thick stone walls have no cavity but, in my time, have stood solidly and cosily in verified wind speeds in excess of 110 mph. The property has been professionally re-roofed, re-wired and re-plumbed, extended and insulated where access allowed at various stages. We have oil-fired central heating, an oil-fired AGA (for cooking and hot water) a log fire and stand-by portable generator and a stand-by portable gas heater. None of which would meet with Patrick Harvie’s approval. In 2013 we were self-sufficient for seven continuous days during a snowstorm-induced power cut. That is my definition of resilience.
Yet Mr Harvie and his pal think that I should be dependent on electricity with air-sourced heating. In 2013 those living locally who were “all electric” depended on neighbours and volunteers to make their way through heavy snow to deliver hot food and hot water bottles. Living on a Scottish island, with no mains gas available, I’m not convinced and will not be changing. We live warm and comfortably and at 76 years of age I do not have the necessary disposable income, nor shall I borrow to meet Mr Harvie’s delusional, impractical, and very expensive aspirations. Full compliance for me and returning the property to its present decorative order has been estimated at £50k £60k.
When will the SNP/Green lot at Holyrood realise that their obsession with sound bites and “one-size-fits-all” solutions will not do?
Neil Arthur, Kilpatrick, Isle of Arran.

SAS Volunteer

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