The type of monstrosity proposed at Faw Side is becoming commonplace, a recent example being the one from a London cabal of landowners and renewable energy carpetbaggers for the village we live in, Ardrishaiog, Argyll.
Argyll, of course, is already saturated with wind farms and the council has put strict conditions on further construction. However, this latest one, in the same place where two previous applications have failed, is so large (17 x 220m turbines, total O/P >50MW) that consent will be determined by the Scottish government.
Here is a copy of an article (paywall) and links to an Argyllshire Advertiser “Leader” and an Oban Times letter by myself, which you may find of interest.
“Ardrishaig Community Council is calling on as many people as possible to go along to a public exhibition next Wednesday when plans for a new wind farm at High Brenfield will be unveiled.
“For those who aren’t aware, there is a proposal for a very large new wind farm at High Brenfield,” the community council said in a statement.
“Given the projected lifespan of this wind farm, it is likely to have an impact on Ardrishaig for the foreseeable future so it’s important that you can express your views and have your voices heard.”
The expected capacity from the 17 turbines, with blade-tip height of up to 220 metres, if they are approved, is 50 MW p.a. and the projected life is 40 years.
Low Carbon, the company behind the proposed plans, has organised an exhibition and presentation on Wednesday November 29 from 3pm to 7pm at Ardrishaig North Hall, Chalmers Street.
“Following the presentation Ardrishaig Community Council will be organising public meetings to co-ordinate your questions and get your feed back so that we can respond to the proposals on behalf of Ardrishaig residents.
“So, if you’re able, please try and attend the presentation, ask as many questions of Low Carbon as possible,” the council added. “This will help focus our discussions with Low Carbon on community impact and projected benefits.”
The proposed development would be on land approximately 1.2miles (2km) south west of Ardrishaig, on the hillside above the road between Ardrishaig and Inverneill.
For more information about the plans you can also visit: or contact:
The community council asks for feed back via meetings, in person or its Facebook page or by email dates of community council meetings to be announced.”
Argyllshire Advertiser “Leader”:
It’s vital that anyone wanting their views about this wind farm to be registered should attend Community Council public meetings about it and reply to public consultations – and, indeed, join Scotland Against Spin who do sterling work opposing such environmental madness.

SAS Volunteer

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