The SIC’s new energy strategy has come out against largescale onshore windfarms.
A draft version of the strategy has been published today (Monday) with members of the public invited to have their say.
The 165-page document covers issues such as energy generation, infrastructure and use, along with considering the potential socioeconomic change.
It says energy transition offers a “huge opportunity” to deliver benefits to everyone in the community, as well as the wider economy.
While the economic potential of new energy developments has been a key focus of the SIC and its Orion project, the environmental and landscape issues have made it a divisive topic.
A key concern has been the impact of large windfarms, namely Viking Energy, leading to opposition from campaign groups Save Shetland and Sustainable Shetland.
They have been critical of the council’s role in permitting such developments.
According to the new strategy, however, the council’s advised policy position is “oppose further development of larger scale site”.
Instead, the council will favour supporting “continued generation on existing and consented sites”.
Any onshore windfarms granted against the council’s advice will be expected to adhere to the “energy development principles” – a set of requirement for developers to follow, including the provision of community benefit, such as the Shetland Tariff.
Offshore wind has been another divisive issue, particularly with the fishing industry, which has highlighting concerns about developments encroaching on important fishing grounds.


Energy strategy comes out against large onshore windfarms

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