The developer behind a flagship £16bn cable that will link Moroccan solar and wind farms to British homes has threatened to instead send electricity to Germany.
Planning documents published on the European transmission system operator’s website show that Xlinks, the company behind the project, has floated Germany as another end destination for its proposed undersea cable.
The move will ramp up pressure on the UK Government to throw its weight behind the project, which could prove critical for hitting net zero targets.
Xlinks is planning to build a vast solar and wind farm in Morocco equipped with batteries. The project is forecast to provide enough power for seven million British families.
It would send power through 3,800km subsea cables along the west coast of Iberia and France before crossing the channel and coming ashore in Devon.
However, in a development first reported by Bloomberg, Xlinks is now “looking at options” including Germany, according to chief executive Simon Morrish.

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