Plans for a controversial new windfarm in the Glenkens have been thrown out for a second time.
Energiekontor has failed in its bid to build turbines at Garcrogo near Corsock.
Scottish Government reporter Elspeth Cook found the proposal for seven windmills didn’t meet with the existing development plan.
This was Energiekontor’s second bid to develop the side, a previous attempt to build nine, 200m turbines being rejected by the Scottish Government in 2022.
The latest application was for nine, 180m turbines before that was scaled back to seven windmills, with more than 100 objections being lodged with the council.
As with the original application, the firm appealed to the Scottish Government after the council failed to make a decision within the required timeframe.
In her findings, Ms Cook said there were a “number of residual significant effects but no additional significant effects” caused by the development, and felt these could be handled by planning conditions.
However, she added: “I find the proposal would not comply with the development plan due to the lack of sufficient information relating to the additional requirements relating to peat disturbance and biodiversity enhancements.”

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