Scotsman letters

  Carbon baiting I certainly agree with Steuart Campbell (Letters, 13 March) that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, but to claim that it has no practical value is truly astounding. It is, in fact, the stuff of life. Below 150ppm (parts per million) in the atmosphere, plants would not Read more…

Scotsman letters

  News that the total number of offshore wind jobs in Scotland fell from 29,700 to 25,700 in the past year while profits have risen from almost £9 billion to £13bn are another nail in the coffin of the SNP-Greens’ “just transition”. They must find a way to tax these Read more…

Herald letters

  Cooking by gas UK ENERGY Secretary Claire Coutinho has revealed plans for a new generation of gas-fired power stations south of the Border to make sure the lights stay on. Sense at last. Germany will spend €16 billion building four major electricity plants using natural gas, the same gas Read more…