BOTH John Finlayson and
Otto Inglis (Letters, August 24) are to be congratulated for exposing the net zero energy folly. It highlights the failure of both our governments to be transparent over the massive debts that will accrue from support for renewable energy.
Neither politicians has pointed out that gas has returned to the price that existed prior to the Ukraine conflict (around 6p/unit) but electricity, at 24.5p/unit, is now 50% higher than the 2022 price. That is what drives up energy bills and will only get worse once Ed Miliband scraps the use of gas, which supplies 80% of household energy, and replaces it with unaffordable energy from unreliable wind generators.
In addition, when are politicians at both Holyrood and Westminster going to be honest over the cost of keeping the lights on when the wind fails to blow?
Ian Moir, Castle Douglas

SAS Volunteer

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