Ed Miliband’s mission to achieve a net zero electricity system by 2030 isn’t lacking in ambition. But even if he can muster the will and investment needed, the Energy Secretary’s plan currently faces a more prosaic barrier – the country’s creaking power grid.
Despite huge wind farms coming online in Scotland and the North, Britain lacks the cable capacity required to send power southwards when it is needed most in places such as London.
A £60bn “great grid upgrade”, as it is described by the National Grid, is under way to fix this, including new subsea “bootstraps” to connect one end of the country to the other.
But some energy companies and experts are now urging Miliband to go even further, by charging households in the South more for their power than those in the North.  https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/08/10/how-ed-miliband-preparing-bill-home-counties-more-power/?fbclid=IwY2xjawElWlhleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHXpDYP808TFLruHS5DJOsKOjBSF4iHXNo3mG8XMJFVLgz1NYUYFUcsNJ3A_aem_erVLpWin-q9aS_teZCZ3Rg

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