Residents in a remote area of the Glenkens claim their lives are being disrupted by work on a windfarm.
Metal plate matting has been put down on the C35s Lorg road to make it wide enough for a crane to access the Windy Rig site.
However, locals say that delivery drivers are refusing to use the road while the matting is down and one motorist’s car was seriously damaged when some of the matting came loose.
One, who asked not to be named, said: “Residents have received no warning of this incredibly disruptive process.
“Neither, it seems, have the council. Our rubbish has not been collected as the bin lorry won’t drive over the matting.
“The postman won’t come up the road so no post can be delivered or collected.
“The fact that the matting is not safe to drive on was highlighted when a vehicle was travelling along the road and the matting came loose and caught the bottom of the pickup.

SAS Volunteer

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