UK politicians and those of the green persuasion love to flaunt their green credentials and monotonously demand that we must save the planet by buying electric vehicles and heat pumps, eating less meat, walking or cycling, taking the bus or train and not flying or taking foreign holidays.
All this for the UK’S minuscule 1 per cent of global emissions. They dare not mention the elephant in the room. There are 39 wars and conflicts in the world, each churning out multi-million tons of greenhouse gases, but this is never mentioned by those on the climate gravy train.
Ukraine is at war with Russia and Israel is at war against Hamas and now Hezbollah. Add on Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran. China has its eyes on Taiwan and North Korea on South Korea.
Manufacturing weapons creates multi-millions of tons of greenhouse gases and using them creates even more.
Add on the greenhouse gases created in rebuilding and surely even those with green-tinted glasses can see the futility of the UK’S climate diktats. The UK’S climate crusade is pointless and costly.
Clark Cross Linlithgow, West Lothian

SAS Volunteer

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