As William Loneskie says, the current government’s policy on climate, echoed by the Scotsman’s editorial, shows that the new religion of “climate change” is well-embedded in a left of centre strand of thinking (Letters, 9 October).
Clearly, even to the most committed, the gargantuan effort needed to achieve “net zero” will leave the UK subject to unreliable “renewable” sources of energy at a time we already have a great need for power which is based here in the UK, not in France or Norway.
Security when Russia is empire-building demonstrates that that is essential. In fact, the only way of achieving net zero is to stop doing anything productive. The result will be that China makes everything, and it is well on the way to doing just that. We must make things here in the UK and in Europe.
Why should we want net zero? because a group of marxists has very effectively undermined thinking in the west. As the Canadian Patrick Moore, one of the founders of Greenpeace (and very much no longer associated with that movement), has said, the science has been overtaken by a political faction aiming to undermine the west. As Moore, an ecologist, says, we should celebrate carbon dioxide because it is the most important food for all life on Earth.
Any warming in the atmosphere is to be welcomed. It is cyclical and normal. The alternative is the next ice age, which is already overdue. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is irrelevant, as has been shown in previous ice ages.
We have a choice of enjoying the benefits of not being as cold as we were 200 years ago, or, alternatively, of being one mile under ice. I know which option I prefer..
Peter Hopkins

SAS Volunteer

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