In the wake of his refusal to meet Mrs Rhona Weir and publicly accept the Wind Wise Radio petition at the SNP conference in Inverness last month, the First Minister subsequently offered to meet with Mrs Weir in Edinburgh.

Mrs Weir has accepted the invitation and will be accompanied by Mrs Pat Wells, Convener of Stop Highland Windfarms Campaign, the hosting organisation of the march and demonstration held at the SNP conference on 23 March.

The First Minister’s officials have been advised that our objective in accepting the meeting is for Mrs Weir to present to Mr Salmond the petition bearing almost 4,500 signatures from 45 countries around the world.

The petition states;

“We the people from all over the world who love Scotland, petition First Minister Alex Salmond and Energy Minister Fergus Ewing to stop the reckless siting of wind turbines in Scotland.”

Pat Wells from Stop Highlands Windfarms Campaign said “We intend this to be a dignified event, not a protest demonstration. We hope that this time the First Minister will spare two or three minutes of his time to accept publicly, the petition from Mrs Weir at Bute House on 16 April.

Harley Keisch of Wind-Wise Radio added “While we are gratified that the First Minister has now agreed to receive the petition, ultimately nothing less than positive change will be satisfactory. We sincerely hope that he rises to the challenge, opens his heart, changes course, and leads Scotland towards a brighter future free from turbine blight

1 Comment

Rosemary Hart · April 26, 2013 at 8:47 am

We do not need more wind farms! Their promoters have even been caught presenting false figures to make out they are twice as green as they really are!

Otherwise I can’t improve on Cherie Churchill’s comments.

‘Before we set off on a path of full desecration of our rural landscapes we need peer reviewed evidence that there is NO health impact on humans and NO devaluation of property prices. We also need to see FULL economic justification that wind turbines ARE necessary, that they DO save CO2 emmissions and justify the need for subsidies and the increased costs on the utility bills of the general public. Until we have all these answers there should be an immediate moratorium on the construction of windfarms. Until then every decision/policy maker will be culpable for the harm that is being done.’

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