Donald Trump’s legal challenge to an offshore wind farm project will be
heard by a court in November.

The US businessman opposes the 11-turbine European Offshore Wind Deployment
Centre off the Aberdeenshire coast, claiming that it will spoil the view
from his nearby luxury golf course.

His legal action is against the Scottish Government’s approval of the wind

A petition lodged by Trump International Golf Links and The Trump
Organisation earlier this year asks the court to declare that the decision
not to hold a public inquiry into, and the subsequent approval of, the
European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre in Aberdeen Bay in March was
unlawful. It seeks to have both decisions reversed.

The hearing, known as a petition for judicial review, will take place at
the Court of Session in Edinburgh. It will begin on November 12 and is set
to last four days.

WWF Scotland director Lang Banks said: “It’s such a shame Trump remains
hell-bent on using his billions to try and undermine Scotland’s ambition of
becoming a cleaner, greener, job-creating nation. He may be happy wasting
his own money. But, defending his legal action is likely to cost the
Scottish taxpayer too.

“Research has shown that Scotland could meet its climate and energy targets
using clean renewables and energy efficiency. In the end, just like the
Scottish Parliament’s own inquiry, we hope the court sees through his bluff
and bluster and agrees that giving the go-ahead to this development was the
right decision.”

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