Proposals to build two 80-metre wind turbines at Alvah – which attracted
more than 200 objections – have been refused by Aberdeenshire Council.

John McRobert of The Energy Workshop, Huddersfield, wanted to build the
structures at Govel Hill, Stonieley, but the local authority refused
planning permission as the application breached its strict planning policies.

In a report, a planning officer said: “The scale and siting of the proposed
development would have a significant and detrimental visual impact on the
Deveron and Upper Ythan valleys, and the surrounding area, and an adverse
impact on the overall quality of the landscape character area, which is
currently largely unspoiled by obtrusive or discordant features.

“The proposed turbines, in conjunction with the significant number of other
large scale turbines already operational, would further increase the
adverse cumulative impact to the detriment of the landscape across this
area of Banff and Buchan.

The report added: “It has not been demonstrated that the proposed wind
turbines will not have a significant adverse effect on the amenity of
dwellinghouses in relation to noise or a significant overbearing impact and
adverse affect on the amenity of these properties.”

The letters of objection raised issues of the visual impact, the
prominence, position and scale of the site, the sensitive rural landscape,
loss of amenity and industrialisation of the countryside.

The application received two letters of support.

Meanwhile, a planning appeal over an application to build a 27 metre high
wind turbine at The Bungalow, Kemplemyres, Alvah, has been dismissed by the
Scottish Government.

Colin Paterson’s application had earlier been refused by Aberdeenshire Council.

Scottish Government reporter, Janet McNair, said: “The turbine would give
rise to significant and adverse cumulative impacts.

“While these impacts would be relatively localised, this is an area of very
attractive countryside that I consider merits careful protection.

“I have considered all the matters raised, but find none that outweighs
those that have led me to this conclusion.”

SAS Volunteer

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