I WAS interested in the Scottish Government’s response to the Winds for
Justice concerns about the health implications of wind turbines on those
living in close proximity to them (“Protesters fight wind farms on grounds
of health”, The Herald, August 11) when it said there was “no clear
evidence of a causal link between the operation of wind turbines and
adverse health effects”.

In April, 2012, The British Medical Journal reviewed the consequences of
wind turbine noise and available evidence and concluded at that stage that
“wind turbine noise seems to affect health adversely and an independent
review of evidence is needed”.

With the thousands of wind turbines already in operation in Scotland and
many thousands more planned, the health implications should be of concern
to the Scottish Government and at least until further studies and review of
the evidence, as suggested by the British Medical Journal, no more should
be constructed within two kilometres of homes.

The Scottish Government was made aware at the time of the BMJ article but
chose not to take it on board.

Dr James Weir,
Glenlora Cottage,

SAS Volunteer

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