Concerns have been raised over plans for a new wind farm on the hills above
Loch Ness close to another major development already approved.

Coriolis Energy wants to build 14 turbines on the Dell Estate, near
Whitebridge up the eastern side of Loch Ness from the site of the
Stronelairg wind farm. Approval was given to construct the 67 turbine
Stronelairg farm in June.

Coriolis Energy has its Scottish office in Glasgow. It describes itself as
“a specialist independent wind farm development company”.

The company originally wanted to erect 22 turbines, but following concerns
about visual impact it reduced its plan to 16. It has now removed a further
two turbines.

Harry Malyon, development director for Coriolis Energy, said: “We have
taken a great deal of care over the design to minimise the effects.” But
Lyndsey Ward, independent Highland anti-wind farm campaigner, said she was
worried about the cumulative impact given the presence of other proposed
developments in the area. “Scottish Natural Heritage say they are
protecting Scotland’s wild land from inappropriate wind farms, but it seems
that developers and ministers can interpret that as they see fit.”

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