A pressure group claims it has been “stonewalled” in its attempts to see how a new windfarm would impact the landscape.

Energiekontor has applied to the council for planning permission for up to nine turbines at Garcrogo near Corsock.

The Save Our Hills group, which is against the proposal, say requests to see an artists’ impression of what the scheme would look like have fallen on death ears- although the German firm say they have provided “visualisations of turbines from local viewpoints”.

Save Our Hills spokesman Iain Milligan said: “The area generates more than 10 times the local energy demand, meaning a huge and grossly unfair strain is placed on our countryside.

“The local authority must listen to local people and reject this application.”

In documents lodged with the council, Energiekontor state that the scheme represents an investment of more than £60 million for the firm.

If approved, it would feature up to nine turbines with a maximum height of 200 metres.

Project manager Duncan Taylor said: “Energiekontor have engaged with the local community throughout the pre-application stage and have held two public exhibitions which have provided a suite of photography for public viewing, including visualisations of turbines from local viewpoints.

“This has necessarily been online rather than in person due to Covid restrictions.

“Direct contact with myself has been encouraged and hard copies of exhibition material has been issued to Corsock Community Council to promote inclusion in the process.

“We will continue to work with the local community throughout the planning process and I would encourage anyone with queries to get in touch.”

Energiekontor is already involved in a number of other Stewartry windfarm developments including Margree, Glenshimmeroch and Cornharrow.  https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/local-news/dumfries-galloway-pressure-group-claims-23925044

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