Scotsman letters (2)

Giant killers I note Graham Bruce’s excellent “sleeping giants” letter of 13 January. Garvary Wind Farm’s 37 turbines will indeed stop his wonderful view of golden eagles and ospreys. Just of late we had a spectacular view of the white tailed sea eagle majestically flying up the Kyle of Sutherland. Read more…

Times letters

  If we must burn, let’s burn British Ed Conway provides an excellent analysis of the fossil fuel energy we will need if we are to “go green”, but there was one point he did not make explicitly: if we need fuels to make the constituents of wind turbines and Read more…

Boris facing more disaster as ‘green’ power station emits more CO2 than many coal plants- Express

Boris facing more disaster as ‘green’ power station emits more CO2 than many coal plants PRIME MINISTER Boris Johnson is facing another crisis as the UK’s largest renewable power plant faces sharp criticism from environmentalists. Mr Johnson is facing pressure from environmentalists to reinvest government subsidies given to Drax, the Read more…


Can we remind everyone that you only have six days left to respond to the Scottish Government’s Onshore Wind Policy Consultation. The deadline is 21 January. This is not so much a Consultation but more a misleading Statement and a plea for ideas on how they can strengthen their support Read more…