A new 26 turbine wind farm near Loch Awe is winding its way through Argyll and Bute Council’s planning process.
The Car Diubh Wind Farm between Dalavich and Inveraray, composed of 26 wind turbines, each reaching 200 metres from blade to tip, is the subject of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) scoping report, on behalf of the applicant Statkraft.
Statkraft, a Norwegian state-owned utility, is Europe’s largest generator of renewable energy, with 4,500 employees in 17 countries.
Its EIA Scoping Report, submitted to the council, states: ‘The nearest turbine in the scoping layout is approximately 6km to the north-west of Inveraray and 4.5km to the east of Dalavich.
‘The Proposed Development will have a generation capacity in excess of 50 megawatts (MW).
‘A substantial part of the proposed development site was the subject of the 15 turbine Ardchonnel Wind Farm application by RWE Innogy UK in 2012 which was subsequently refused.
‘The proposed development is a new proposal being brought forward by Statkraft and will be assessed on its own merit.’
Statkraft currently operates three onshore wind farms in Scotland, with a combined capacity of 155.5 MW, and has consent for another two onshore wind farms which are currently under construction.  https://www.obantimes.co.uk/2022/02/28/26-turbine-wind-farm-proposed-by-loch-awe/?fbclid=IwAR31hOHUC6O7FNkVgsD3NbZpNQDgr_wp-dABQkyvut_6z-CKuaPd-6dGlFo

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