A final energy package has been delayed by a row between No 10 and the Treasury over state funding for new nuclear plant

Britain needs a major “acceleration” in onshore windfarms to guarantee energy supplies and reduce bills, Kwasi Kwarteng has urged.

The Business Secretary has strongly hinted that planning controls will be eased as part of the Government’s new energy security strategy expected next week.

The final package has been delayed by a row between No 10 and the Treasury over state funding for new nuclear plants. In an interview with i Mr Kwarteng admits Chancellor Rishi Sunak is “nervous” about the scale of potential taxpayer liabilities but says successive administrations have “dropped the ball” on the issue.

The business secretary blames Russian President Vladimir Putin for exploiting energy shortages caused by the pandemic but says his “bloody and violent” conduct is changing attitudes to renewables.

“A huge uptick in demand when we came out of Covid at the end of last year has been compounded with Putin’s bloody and violent adventurism,” he says explaining the huge increases to bills. His own domestic energy bill has “gone up massively” he says. “I bought quite a big house. It’s very expensive to heat,” he says. “It’s not a huge house, but it’s costly.”

But as the cost-of-living crisis starts to hit ministers think voters are becoming more receptive to previously controversial alternatives that will also make the UK more energy independent.

David Cameron backed off ramping up the number of new onshore windfarms in 2015 in the face of pressure from Tory heartlands, but Mr Kwarteng says the picture has changed dramatically since.

“There were quite understandable political reasons that people didn’t want to see large scale, onshore winds in their vicinity. I think that’s changed. I think people are much more open to renewable energy. And I think they realise that that’s part of the answer [to] Putin and other countries controlling oil and gas, you want to get energy independence.”

Mr Kwarteng hints planning rules will be eased to make it easier to build new wind and solar farms.

“I think the prime minister has been very clear that onshore wind has got to be part of the mix and we’ve got to look at planning. We are not saying we are going to scrap all planning rules and all of these things have got to be in line with community support.”

“The argument about onshore wind in 2015 was a historic argument even before we committed to net-zero and the circumstances today with Putin. Russia, Saudi Arabia, all of those things mean that we’ve got to have more energy independence and I think onshore renewables are absolutely part of that.”

For days when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow Britain still needs a reliable source of power generation but its ageing fleet of civil nuclear reactors will be decommissioned before the end of the decade with too few plants ready to replace them.

Boris Johnson pulled the plug on Chinese investment in a new plant in Sizewell last year and Mr Kwarteng is frank about the fact the Government must shoulder some the risks of such projects.

“What’s bedevilled the nuclear debate is the financing. You’re not going to get an exclusively market-driven solution – there’s too much risk. There’s a general recognition in Government that the Government has to take some of the risk.”

He points to the £1.8bn set aside for nuclear power generation by Mr Sunak last year but doesn’t deny more will be needed to unblock enough new plants.

“The nervousness is that it’s a huge financial commitment.” Pressed on whether he means the Treasury, the business secretary, says “the people in charge of spending, so yes the Treasury.”

“To be fair to the Treasury they’ve committed to nuclear projects, they’re fully behind SMRs [small-scale nuclear reactors that Rolls Royce are developing]. You are right to say that it is challenging but I think there is movement from the Treasury because rolling on to 2050 nuclear is going to be part of the grid.”

Mr Kwarteng insists he is not about to give in to the lobbying of some Tory MPs who want the Government to lift a ban on fracking.
“It’s a simple intuitive argument, which I get, which is you’ve got record gas prices. We’re sitting on a huge wealth of natural resources and natural gas. So why if the gas price internationally is at record highs, would you know would you not exploit the gas that’s underneath your feet?”

The problem he says is that even if all the shale gas beneath our feet was released it would still be too small to reduce the global price and that Britain is simply too populated to tolerate the quakes that the technique causes.

“I don’t think fracking would do anything to diminish the global price and Lancashire is not Wyoming.”

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